In Uganda and abroad, Vatten Pro is involved in some of the most ambitious projects ever: support to the integrated management of shared transboundary rivers, flood protection, the creation and protection of natural parks and coastal zones, and the development of more sustainable irrigated agriculture, etc.
Vatten Pro experts are committed to the major challenges of the 21st century: better access to water for everyone, anticipating and adjusting to climate change, designing natural resource management to safeguard scarce natural resources, preventing risks of food shortages, flooding and soil impoverishment, and biodiversity conservation…
Vatten Pro skills and capabilities are dedicated to the issues of our times:
Climate change (impact assessment, adaptation, greenhouse gas emissions, etc.)
VATTEN PRO has a whole range of skills and capabilities ready to respond to the need for expert appraisals on climate change, its impacts on water resources and the environment and adjusting to new climate conditions.
Joint management of water resources
Through projects in Uganda and abroad, VATTEN PRO has developed robust experience in institutional and organisational activities. We offer a full spectrum of capabilities: preparing legislative and regulatory instruments, support to the creation and development of new transboundary managing institutions, support to organisational and institutional reform, technical appraisal and decision-making assistance, assistance with Public-Private Partnership (PPP) set-up in the irrigation, drinking water and sanitation sectors, pricing policy studies, economic and financial studies, designing tools and rendering them operational…
Integrated Flood Risk Management (studies, design and construction engineering, technical assistance, project and asset management assistance, research and development…) Vatten Pro offers a full sequence of skills in Integrated Flood Risk Management where activities include: the introduction of flood prevention measures and plans for communities, local areas and at national level, including adjustment to climate change; the design and construction of flood control and protection works; disaster management assistance, and post-crisis action. |
Renewable energy: windfields and photovoltaic solar power plants (environmental appraisals, feasibility studies, technical assistance, design and construction engineering, advisory services, project and asset management assistance…) Vatten Pro works on offshore windfields. In addition, Vatten Pro offers trustworthy environmental assessment skills on ground photovoltaic solar power plant projects . |
Environmental economics (the economics of biodiversity, the total economic value of natural sites, valuating environmental attractiveness)
Vatten Pro believes in mainstreaming economic evaluation into the protection and management of the environment to ensure sustainable development. Vatten Pro know-how is built not only on tangible experience but also on academic achievements.